Friendship Glasgow  26 jul 2017

good company

I have been lucky in life and now I am looking to be lucky in love. I am a fun loving man who loves to have a good time, and fully believe that laughter truly is the best medicine. However, that said, I do know when and where to be serious and respect that trait in others as well. I enjoy a wide range of activities from your stereotypical walk on the beach to something more offbeat like painting in the park.
Generally I consider myself to be very open to new experiences and will try almost anything once.
I think fun comes from who you are with rather than what you are doing. Good company can make what would have been a mundane experience a great time. I look forward to seeing what the future will bring with the right person and am optimistic that I will find someone to spend my life with.


PURPLEredhead Hi Adam
PURPLEredhead Read with interest ypur post. Thought you sounded like a deep, genuine guy.
PURPLEredhead Certainly makes the day quicker, if you are having a laugh.